Wednesday 8 January 2014

City vocabulary


  1. What is de difference between car park and parking? Can you help me? Thanks

  2. I think the parking is indoors, and the car park is outdoor...
    Alex is so?

  3. Hey, ladybirds!!! Ok, let's see.

    In British English, a "car park" is a noun. It means a dedicated space where people park their cars. BUT
    "Parking" (noun) is an activity: "I won't drive into town. Parking is too difficult. I'll get the bus."

    So, "Parking" is a more general term. ("Is there any parking near the restaurant?")

    "Car park" is a specific place to leave your car while you are at the restaurant.

    "Parking" in this sense is uncountable, so we don't say *"a parking". Car parks/parking lots are by contrast countable.

    Hope it helps!! :)

  4. yesss... thank you!!! good explanation!!

    parking is an activity and car park is a place.
